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Hauptstr. 52
63773 Goldbach
+49 6021 59070


„Relaxation: ...

„Relaxation: ...


What happens when we relax? We let go: From the stress of everyday life, fear and worry. Through relaxation we attempt to change our reality. After relaxation our environment is more peaceful, caring and gentle. We find a deep accession to the area that is our real self, a deep accession to love. The depth to which we take this love from the state of relaxation into reality can be governed by ourselves."

What has the wisdom of Eastern monks, as mentioned above, to do with a company that alone in the last 3 years has enjoyed a growth factor of over 210% and thereby turned a Western dream into reality? The brainLight GmbH company, located in Goldbach offers a synthesis of the above relaxation philosophy through its High-Tech-Mental Systems.

As the Managing Directors of brainLight GmbH, Jochen Hufgard and Ursula Sauer, first established the company on the European market for relaxation and learning systems, offering the Brain Machines (systems that, at the time, where only known within the USA), they were received with a great deal of scepticism.

However, since then the success of this impressive method, a holiday from reality, can no longer be denied and its effectiveness has been scientifically proven beyond doubt.

The brainLight Synchros" are one of the worlds most sought after optical-acoustic relaxation systems. All „brainLight Synchros" - models controlled through a highly developed computer that sends optical and acoustic signals in stimulating sequences to the brain. These signals are transmitted through headphones as well as special relaxation glasses. The company can offer a range of individually selectable programmes as well as the option for a totally personal free-hand control of the impulses. The operation of the „brainLight Synchros“-models is simple and the mobility of the equipment allows it to be used wherever it may be required.

The brainLight relaxation systems reach the brain with Alpha and Theta frequencies (4-12 Hz). Both frequency patterns cause only mental and bodily relaxation and signal a better integration of body and mind, coupled with improved creativity. The brainLight Mental System is the basis for improved concentration capabilities which were only attainable through studied mental techniques such as yoga or autogene training. The brainLight deep relaxation programmes offer:

- improved concentration
- health stability
- immediate stress relief
- improved learning capacity.

The operation of the „brainLight Synchros“-models is simple and the mobility of the equipment allows it to be used wherever it may be required.

From the deep relaxation mode, where one can forget the worries of everyday life and find one’s self to the mental training for the activation of new and improved vitality to the specific aims of a so-oriented programme (i.e. stop smoking, learn a language, sales training), in all areas, brainLight follows the motto of Jean Paul Satres „Unwind yourself towards a goal“.

Aside from the various brainLight-Synchros models, the company offers a comprehensive choice of cassettes, CDs and videos. Furthermore, the innovative production programme is supported through seminars and training units for the various target groups. Whether it be as a stress-troubled manager On a cruise ship or as an active holiday maker in one of the Aldiana Holiday Clubs (NUR-Tourism), everyone can profit from the brainLight power and life principle „Let the soul swing free“.

The brainLight System is constantly being improved through the companys Own development departments in the USA and Europe.

The marketing of the companys products is effected through a selected network of retailers as well as through direct sales and cooperation activities with holiday clubs. brainLight is presently seeking foreign marketing partners that can display the healthy infrastructure that the brainLight Success Concept requires - the synthesis of western high-tech and eastern vision. After all, nothing is as real as strong vision.


The brainLight Mental System is the basis for improved concentration capabilities which were only attainable through studied mental techniques.

brainLight GmbH
Hauptstrasse 52
D-8758 Goldbach


Veröffentlicht in: European Trade News 02/93, S.32




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